• Basic Courses - 6 Months

  • Higher Courses - 6 Months

  • Specialized Higher Courses - 6 Months

  • For every SUN DAYS the classes will be conducted

  • Basic Courses - 11 AM to 2 PM

  • Higher Courses - 2 PM to 5 PM

  • Specialized Higher Courses - 8 AM to 11 AM

  • The classes will be conducted on the above mentioned times

Fundamental Studies Admission Fees Rs. 100.00
Fundamental Studies Tuition Fees (Rs.500 / Month) (6 months x Rs.600) Rs. 3600.00
Fundamental Book Part – I Rs. 500.00
Fundamental work Book Rs. 300.00
Fundamental Exam Fees Rs. 1000.00
Fundamental Studies Total Fees Rs. 5500.00

Higher Studies Tuition Fees (Rs.500 / Month) (6 months x Rs.600) Rs. 3600.00
Higher Book Part – I Rs. 500.00
Higher Book Part – II Rs. 500.00
Higher Studies Work Book Rs. 300.00
Higher Studies Exam Fees Rs. 1100.00
Higher Studies Total Fees Rs. 6000.00

Special Higher Studies Tuition Fees (Rs.600 / Month) (6 months x Rs.700) Rs. 4200.00
Special Higher Book Part – IV Rs. 700.00
Special Higher Book Part – V Rs. 700.00
Special Higher Studies Work Book Rs. 300.00
Jathaga Pallavam Book Rs. 300.00
Special Higher Studies Exam Fees Rs. 1300.00
Special Higher Studies Total Fees Rs. 7500.00